v3.8.0 - December 11th, 2024
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Table of Contents
Features Added
Additional Recipients for Visitor Notifications
You can now add additional users to receive check-in notifications, which were previously only sent to the host. This feature allows others, besides just the host, to be notified when a visitor checks in or when a walk-in visitor arrives.

Want to learn more about this update, view our How do I add additional users to receive visitor check-in notification emails? article.
Add Location Information to Visitor Invitation Email
Locations can now be configured to add guest WiFi, parking, and additional information as a part of the email sent to visitors on scheduled visits.

Conference URL Added to the Room Reservation Log Report
The Room Reservation Log report now has the Conference URL as a visible column on the report.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the copy reservation functionality wasn’t working for all resource types.
- Resolved an issue impacting the monthly recurrence rule when specific criteria were selected.
- The "Available Times" filter in the Finder view now functions correctly for future dates.