v3.16.0 - March 5th, 2025
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Table of Contents
Features Added
Quickly Add Multiple Attendees to Reservations
It is now easier than ever to add multiple directory occupants and existing contacts to your reservations. While creating or editing a reservation, simply select all the necessary occupants by clicking each user from the dropdown list, then click the Set button. To remove multiple attendees, open the desired list, and click on all of the users you want to remove.

Block Changing of Reservation Owner for Synced Reservations
When calendar-synced reservations are created in Maptician with the Create User Calendar Reservations setting enabled, users will be unable to change the reservation owner due to limitations on the Outlook side. If the reservation owner needs to be changed, we recommend canceling the current reservation and creating a new one with the correct reservation owner.

Occupancy Type on Unassigned Occupants Report
We have added the Occupancy Type as a column and filter option to the Unassigned Occupants report.

Bug Fixes
- We have made some visual updates to the new Calendar view, ensuring that reservations spanning multiple days are displayed accordingly on the calendar.
- Resolved an issue where the day after daylight savings time begins, when using the monthly view in the Reservation Calendar, that day would appear greyed out.
- We have fixed an issue where users with limited access to directory users could unintentionally affect seating assignments while adding new ones. Additionally, these users will now see that a seat is assigned when viewing a map, though the assigned user will not be displayed.