How do I route and track a parcel? (Mobile)
Using the Maptician mobile interface, you can notify an occupant via text and/or SMS* that a package has been delivered for them.
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Note: SMS notifications are only available for clients within the United States and Canada.
- From the hamburger menu on the top right of the home web interface, select Parcel Management
- Select the button Record New Parcel

- Select the Select Parcel Recipient dropdown menu to select the parcel's intended recipient

- Type in the sender in the Sender Name box

- Select Carrier from the dropdown menu

- Make any notification changes needed

- Select Continue

- To set the parcel image, press the Select Image button. Select an image from the Photo Library or take a photo

- Add any notes to communicate to the parcel recipient and select the Submit button

- Once submitted, selected (SMS and/or email) notifications will be sent to the recipient.

- Administrative users may view the status of parcels by selecting the Waiting Tab and selecting the specific parcel

This screen is used to:
- Update the status of the parcel as Delivered, Returned, or Lost
- Send additional reminders to the recipient using the Email Reminder or SMS Reminder buttons
View the Notes and Log of the parcel

- The Completed Tab is used for viewing delivered parcels and to revert a parcel to Waiting in a scenario a parcel is returned or was mistakenly marked as delivered.