Where do I set my Visitor Management permissions?
This page walks through the different permission options for Visitor Management viewing and creating.
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Within Maptician, you have the ability to specify which permission groups can view visitors, pre-register visitors, or have full access to Visitor Management. Below are the six different options. To set these permissions, go to Occupants > Permission Groups > Visitor Management dropdown. Once the desired options are selected for a permission group, click "Save Permissions".

Group members have full access to all visitor management permissions.
- The permission group will have access to create and view all visits from all locations for any users.
Only “Group members can create visits.”
- The permission group will only have access to view all the visits for those locations where they are the host AND can create visits only for themselves.
Group members can create visits on behalf of occupants to whom they have reservation delegated permissions.
- The permission group will have access to view or create visits for those locations for themselves and anyone they are delegated to.
- Note: This assumes "Group members can create visits." is also enabled.
Group members can view visits of anyone.
- The permission group will have access to view or create visits for the enabled locations for themselves as well as anyone they are delegated to AND view any visits within those enabled locations.
- Note: This assumes "Group members can create visits." is also enabled.
Group members can create visits on behalf of anyone.
- This permission will have access to create visits for the enabled locations for anyone AND view any visits within those enabled locations.
- Note: This assumes "Group members can create visits." is also enabled.
Only locations enabled
- The permission group will only have access to view all the visits for those locations where they are the host.