OpenPath Setup Guide
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Table of Contents

Getting Started
Step 1: Log into your OpenPath Portal
- Log into your OpenPath admin portal at
- Go to Configurations > Rules
Step 2: Create and Configure Rule
Create a new Rule and configure it with the following information:
- Name: Set Maptician Presence
- Description: Post Notice of Door Unlock
- Type: Event forwarder
- Event: Unlocked
- Target URL:

Step 3: View and Save Site Name(s)
Go to Sites and make note of the Site name(s). The site name(s) will need to be entered into Maptician in Step 6.
- Note: If you will be configuring OpenPath presence for more than 1 Maptician location, the OpenPath Site Names will need to be unique

Step 4: Enter the OpenPath credentials into Maptician
- Settings > Presence > OpenPath Integration

- Organization ID: This ID can be found in the address bar of the web browser (example shown below) once you have logged into the OpenPath admin portal:

- API Email: This is the email you use to log into the OpenPath portal
- API Password: This is the password you use to log into OpenPath portal
Step 5: Save OpenPath Credentials
Once the above information is entered into the Maptician OpenPath Access Control Connectivity settings panel, click the green “Save Changes” button.
- NOTE: After entering in the credentials, wait 10-15 minutes before moving onto step 6 (Configuration of Site Names), or you may encounter a “Bad Request” error.
Step 6: Configuration of Site Names in Maptician