Microsoft Teams Meetings
This article will guide you through how to configure Maptician to integrate with Teams Meetings.
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Table of Contents
Before you Start
Before starting there are a few things you will need:
- Admin access to your Microsoft Entra ID (Azure) environment.
- Account Admin access to your Maptician environment. This only applies if you are configuring the integration on your own without assistance from Maptician.
- IMPORTANT! - Non-admin user Permission Groups require the Reservation permission “Group members can create online meetings (Teams/Zoom)” to be enabled to have the ability to create a Teams meeting in Maptician.

Getting Started
Step 1: Add the Required Azure Graph API Permission
- In Microsoft Entra ID (Azure) browse to the App registrations and open your Maptician Graph API application.
- Add the following API Permission: OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All
- Grant admin consent to this new API permission

Step 2: Configure Teams Integration in your Maptician Environment
- Go to the settings cog in the upper right corner of the screen.
- In the Maptician Settings panel, select the Environment tab and then the MSFT Teams Integration tab.
- In the Microsoft Teams Integration panel, select the Enable Teams Integration setting.
OPTIONAL: Enable any of the additional Teams Meeting Settings
- Use organization's default Teams lobby bypass policy: Enable this setting if you want your Teams meetings to follow the lobby bypass policy configured in your Teams Admin Center. If left unchecked, you can set the Lobby Bypass setting by following the Configure Default Teams Meeting Options part of this article.
- Enable Teams Meeting by Default for Reservations: Turn on this setting to automatically enable the Create Teams Meeting option for any new reservation being created.
- Click the green SAVE CHANGES button.

Clicking the blue CHECK CONNECTION button will validate your environment's connection to Microsoft Entra ID (Azure).

Step 3: Run the Maptician Teams Integration PowerShell Script
Download the Maptician Teams PowerShell Script and follow the directions below.
- If you have issues downloading this file, please contact your Maptician technical contact.
How to run the Maptician Teams Integration PowerShell Script
The PowerShell script integrates Maptician room reservations with Microsoft Teams. This integration enables users to easily create a Teams Meeting while booking a meeting or conference room via Maptician. It also allows customization of various meeting parameters, ensuring a tailored setup for Teams Meetings according to the user's requirements.
The Maptician Teams Integration PowerShell Script has several Variables, so be sure to properly configure those. The variables are shown below:
# Define Variables
$AppId = "YOUR_APP_ID" # Replace with the actual Application (Client) ID from
Maptician or Azure AD App Registration
$PolicyName = "MapticianTeamsIntegrationPolicy"
$PolicyApproach = 1 # Select 1 for Global, 2 for Adding to Existing Policy, 3 for Assigning to a Group. Refer to comments in switch cases below for more details
$GroupName = "YourGroupName" # If $PolicyApproach is 3, replace this with the actual Group Name to which the policy should be assigned.
After configuring the correct PowerShell Script variable, run the Maptician PowerShell script Maptician_Teams_Integration.ps1
. The script does the following:
Checks and installs required modules if necessary (PowerShellGet;
MicrosoftTeams) -
You should be prompted to log into your Azure/0365 environment in order to
connect to Microsoft Teams - MicrosoftTeams module is updated to the latest version (if necessary)
Steps to confirm script successfully configured Teams in your O365 Teams Environment
These steps are optional.
- Open PowerShell
- Run
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential (Get-Credential)
- Enter your Microsoft username/email and password
- Run
- The result should be (example AppId’s are shown):
Identity :Global
AppIds :{d945f3c4-b6d4-4fdb-864a-bbb931ae9eca}
Description: Integration Policy for Maptician with Teams Meetings
Identity :Tag:MapticianTeamsIntegrationPolicy
AppIds: {d945f3c4-b6d4-4fdb-864a-bbb931ae9eca}
Description :Integration Policy for Maptician with Teams Meetings
Removing the Maptician Teams Meeting Integration from O365
- Open PowerShell
- Run
Connect-MicrosoftTeams-Credential (Get-Credential)
- Enter username and password
Run the following:
Remove-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity “Global”
Remove-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity "MapticianTeamsIntegrationPolicy"
- To confirm removal, run
and the following should be returned:
Identity : Global
AppIds : {}
Description :
Step 4: Creating a Teams Meeting in Maptician
- Open a room calendar from within one of your maps.
- Select a date and time for the reservation.
- Toggle on the “Create Teams Meeting” option.
- Click Reserve Room. The reservation email you receive should contain a Teams meeting invite (example shown below).

Configure Default Teams Meeting Options
Now that you have your Teams integration set up, you are now able to configure your environment's default Teams meeting options. Follow the steps below to set this up:
- Open a room calendar from within one of your maps
- Select a date and time for the reservation
- Toggle on the “Create Teams Meeting” option
- Click the settings cog icon
Configured the meeting options how you desire
- If the Use organization's default Teams lobby bypass policy environment setting is disabled, you will have the ability to set your desired Lobby Bypass Scope here.
- Click the “Save as Default” button
- After saving your default settings, refresh your page and start a new reservation to confirm the options are set correctly.