Basic navigation & shortcuts of the Map Editor
Learn the basics of navigation and shortcuts within the Map Editor tool.
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Open a Map
- Navigate to the Map Editor tab.
- Select Load Map.
- Select the location and map you wish to open.
- Click Load.
Map Editor Basics - Opening a Map in Map Editor

New, Open, Save, and Close
In the top right corner, the following four options are available:
- New – Create a new map.
- Open – Load an existing map.
- Save – Save changes. Note: As you are making changes, make sure to save frequently.
- Close – Close out of the existing map you are viewing/editing. Note: Make sure to close the map when you are finished making edits. If you do not close out of the map, it remains locked, and other users cannot access it.
Below these options is a thumbnail view of the map you are currently viewing.
Map Editor Basics - Map Editor Buttons

Moving Around the Map: Option 1
- In the upper right corner, left click on the map thumbnail image and hold.
- Move your mouse to navigate around the map.
- The main map moves around with your mouse.
Moving Around the Map: Option 2
- Right-click on the map canvas
- Move your mouse
- The map will move with your mouse
Zoom In & Out of the Map: Option 1
Below the map thumbnail is the zoom bar. To zoom in or out:
- Click the gray circle on the Zoom bar.
- Drag the circle to the left to zoom out.
- Drag the circle to the right to zoom in.

Zoom In & Out of the Map: Option 2
- Hover your mouse over the main map canvas.
- Press and hold the SHIFT key.
- Use the wheel of your mouse to scroll in (zoom in) or scroll out (zoom out).
Map Editor Basics - Scroll Zoom
Edit Map Buttons
Below the zoom bar is the Edit Map main menu. There are several actions that can be performed from this menu:
- Duplicate – This button duplicates the selected object. You can also click an object on the map, then press and hold CTRL + D on your keyboard.
- Und0 – This button reverses your most recent action. You can also press and hold CTRL + Z on your keyboard.
- Redo – If you delete an object, click the Redo button to add it back.
- Grid Visibility – This button turns the grid on or off. Note: The grid is useful in aligning objects on the map.
- Grid Snapping – Turn grid snapping on/off. Note: Grid snapping automatically snaps objects into place based on the grid.
- Angle Snapping – Turn angle snapping on/off.
- Delete – This button deletes the selected object. You can also select an object and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Map Editor Basics - Editing Buttons

Central Tabs
Below the Edit Map buttons are the three main information and object tabs:
- Dynamic Tab – Defaults to Map information & settings. Changes to show selected object information and settings. For example, if you click on a seat within the map, this menu updates to Seat information & settings.
- Objects Tab – Contains objects that can be added to the map, by category. For example: Architecture, areas, furniture, and data (which includes seats).
- Layers Tab – Control the visibility of different map layers. Can also lock or unlock specific layers when editing certain components of the map. Note: Maptician recommends locking layers that you do not want to edit when opening a map to prevent accidental changes or deletions.

Edit Grid Sizes
- Select white space on the map canvas (make sure nothing is selected)
- Locate the Map Tab (Dynamic Tab)
- Locate the Grid Controls Tab within the Map Tab
- Set “Grid Spacing” to the desired dimensions
- Set Visibility to “Visible” or “Hidden”
- Decide to “Align Objects with Grid” or not
Map Editor Basics - Grid Controls

Create a Clone of a Map
The below notes how to Clone a map. A Clone is a copy of a map that will stand alone. Once cloned, it will no longer be attached to the source map. Clones are useful when creating floorplans with shared architecture (different floors in one building). If you choose to replace an existing map with a cloned map, you can either delete the old map or deactivate it and then activate the clone.
- Select white space on the map canvas (make sure nothing is selected)
- Locate the Map Tab (Dynamic Tab)
- Locate the Export Tab
- Select “Clone Map”
- Select the Location to nest the clone under
- Name the Map.
- Input floor and suite information if needed
- Select “Clone”
Map Editor Basics - Create a Clone

Deactivate a Map
The below notes how to Deactivate a map. To activate a map, follow the above instructions and select “Activate Map” (previously the “Deactivate Map” button).
- Select white space on the map canvas (make sure nothing is selected)
- Locate the Map Tab (Dynamic Tab)
- Locate the Info Tab
- Select “Deactivate Map”
Map Editor Basics - Deactivate a Map

Set Max Capacity
The below notes how to set a Map Capacity. This Max Capacity will also work in conjunction with any capacity limits you set in the Locations manager.
- Select white space on the map canvas (make sure nothing is selected)
- Locate the Map Tab (Dynamic Tab)
- Locate the Max Capacity Tab
- Locate the “Max Capacity” textbox
- Type in the desired number of seats for the capacity
Map Editor Basics - Floorplan Capacity