v2.34.0 - July 10th, 2024
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Table of Contents
Attendees List Included in Room Reservation List
The Room Reservation List report now contains a column that will display the number of attendees for that reservation.

Canceled Reservation Email Updated
All canceled reservation emails will now begin their subject lines with "Canceled:" to clearly indicate the reservation has been canceled.

Preferred First Name in User Profile Settings
Users can now control, via the Permission Groups, whether someone can update their preferred first name within their profile settings. Admin currently have access to update preferred first names, but if allowed, this ability is now available for end users.

Phone Numbers Now Included in Room Details
Rooms can now be configured with a phone number in the Map Editor, which will appear in the room information summary in the map view on the Home tab. The below images display the set up view within Map Finder, as well as the final display within the live map.

New Reservation Reports!
Two new audit trail reports were added for reservations: "Room Reservation Activity" and "Seat Reservation Activity". These reports show detailed activity logs for room and seat reservations, including creations, updates, and cancelations, for the selected office during a specified time period.