v2.18.0 - March 27th, 2023
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Maptician has released its 2.18.0 release, which includes several enhancements to the Map Editor, signage, mobile, and other general feature enhancements. Below you will find an overall list of enhancements available to you, and if you have additional questions, please reach out to your Implementation Manager or Success Manager. Of note, we encourage you to read until the end, so you can see what is coming next as well!
Key Features
Map Editor
Maptician’s Map Editor is the dynamic floorplan editor, and in addition to efficiency improvements across the board, resulting in even faster load times, and below are additional new features.
Ability to Rotate Maps in Map Editor:

Text boxes can now be fully rotated, to include text in any direction. We can hear cheers from afar for this one!

New POIs (points of interest) have been added. Please see below the Lobby Display object as well as the Emergency Light. The Lobby Display Object is just the start of what is coming for lobby signage – stay tuned!
Users can add a background in the Map Editor that can be used as a stencil for map creation. Additionally, calibration of the background image to match its scale with Maptician’s map engine, is included. Further, users can now rotate and maneuver the background image. These enhancements will be especially helpful to clients editing and creating their own floorplans.

Finally, there is now a Fence Architecture Object available for users. Effectively, this gives the ability to create straight and curved arbitrary lines that can be solid or dashed (with control over dash pattern), can be colored, and distance is measured and labeled just like a wall. While actual fences are a true use case here, think of using these lines for other map details where you may have used a wall, for simplicity, but now, the fence/lines offer more accurate map inclusions.

Within the current Maptician mobile solution, users now have the ability to filter rooms by capacity on the home screen.

The Maptician API package continues to be enhanced and now includes an available API for creating pre-authenticated login URLs for a given user. These can be made single use, a number of times, or unlimited. Additionally, they can be set to have a specified expiration date and time.
Please see our new API page here:
Meeting Room Signage
In the event you missed the release on meeting room signage, if you have ever considered browser-based, iPad, and/or Android touch signage for your conference rooms, please reach out for a demo.
For clients using signage already, there is now the ability to disable the reservation cancellation in the meeting room signage app. This function must be requested to your Implementation Manager or Success Manager for ultimate implementation.
Further, users can disable reservation creation for specific signs.

Up Next!
Get Ready for Our Next Release!
Since we can hardly wait for more to be released, we want to share with you, some of the other features coming your way very soon.
Lobby Signage
Have you ever wanted to have Maptician searchable in your lobby? Guess what? It is (almost) here!
Maptician Native App
We are perfecting the final touches of the app, and while you can download it today, just hold tight while we put a bow on it!
Embrava Desk Signage
You asked for desk signage, and we found a great partner to integrate with to give you just that!
Practice Groups
Visitor Management
Holy moly… if we could count the number of times, we have been asked for this! See you soon, VM! We expect its appearance in a couple short months!