v3.6.0 - November 26th, 2024
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Table of Contents
Features Added
Map Links functionality
You can now add Map Links to Doors, Stairs, and Elevators, connecting them across multiple floors within a location. This allows for quicker navigation between floors while in the Map View.
To start using this feature, please read our help article: How do I create and use Map Links?

Monthly Presence Summary by Location report
This new report identifies individuals who have recorded presence entries at a location within a specified timeframe. It provides details such as name, department, title, primary seat type, and the number of days with presence entries for each month.

Please note that this report can only cover a custom range of up to 6 months. It is strongly recommended that the start and end dates encompass full months to ensure the accuracy of the presence entry counts.
Export functionality for Room Setup Worksheet report
The Room Setup Worksheet report now has the export options available in most of our other reports, enabling you to export via Excel, CSV, or copy directly to the clipboard.

Thumbnail map view in Locations
When hovering over a resource's name in the Location > Manage Rooms/Seats screens, a thumbnail of the floorplan will appear - showing where that specific room or seat is located on the floor.

Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that was seen with full-day reservations and when a resource is restricted to only one reservation per day.
- With Okta, the most recent primary phone number will now be accurately provisioned into Maptician.
- Reservations that have an ampersand character in the title and/or the location’s name will now appear correctly in Outlook for synced resources.
- Adding a non-synced resource to an existing reservation with a synced resource will now retain the non-synced resource as a location.
- Emailing yourself a bulletin event will now appear at the correct time when adding it to your calendar.