v3.5.0 - November 13th, 2024
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Table of Contents
Configure Notification Lists by floor
Previously notification lists could only be configured for an entire location, but now they can be configured by individual floors within a location. This will work for new and pre-existing notification lists!

Want to know more about Notification lists and how they are used for service notifications? Visit our How do I create a notification list? article to learn more!
Numerous updates made to Visitor Management
Checkout Times for Visitors
Users can now check out visitors who have been checked in for a scheduled visit or have walked in. Please note that at this time, visitors can only be checked out manually via the Visitor Management > Manage Visits screen.
To make this possible we also updated Visitor Management so that Maptician users can still edit certain parts of a visit, even after one of the visitors has already checked in!
Badge Field
We have also added an optional badge field so that visitors can be tracked via their badge number/ID. This field can be configured when creating a scheduled visit (if the badge number is known) or it can be added later by editing the visit.
Additional Notes Field
Users creating a scheduled visit now have the option to add any necessary notes for a visit by using the optional Additional Notes field. This field is for internal use only and can be seen by users who have access to edit a visit. It will also be present in the notification email that is sent to the host when a visitor checks in for their scheduled visit.
New Fields Added to the Visitor Log Report
The newly added Badge and Additional Notes fields are now included in the Visitor Log report. By default, only the Additional Notes field is hidden in the report, so in order to view it you will need to click on the Show/Hide Columns button and select the field's name to show it in the report.
Easily select all floors within a location in Finder
When using the Finder view, you can now easily filter resources by location. Instead of manually selecting each floor from the Locations dropdown, simply click on the location's name, and all floors within that location will be automatically selected. See below for how this new functionality works: