v3.2.0 - October 2nd, 2024
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Table of Contents
New Feature! Room Agenda
The Room Agenda is a new feature that will display the current and future status of all reservable rooms on a floor. This feature will most likely be displayed on a device outside of a room. Additional information on how to set this up can be found here.

Copy a Reservation
Now within Finder, you have the ability to copy a reservation. This will be helpful for meetings that have the same services or attendees as an upcoming meeting. Instead of starting a reservation from scratch, you can copy the bulk of the information.
To copy a reservation, go to Finder and select the reservation you would like to copy. Once the reservation is selected, click “Copy Reservation”. A new box will appear where you can choose which location and resource you would like to copy this reservation to. Once those options are selected, it will open the reservation calendar where you can verify all aspects of the reservation before finalizing it by clicking “Reserve Room”.

Calendar Sync Addition - Strict Mode
We have added a new setting for the Calendar Sync feature that allows environments to either disable or enable the calendar sync's ability to read the organizer's user calendar or not. If you want to disable the ability to read organizers' user calendars, you will need to go to Environment > External Calendar Sync
and select “User Calendar Strict Mode” as shown below.

Teams Lobby Bypass
You can now use your Teams Meeting policy from your Microsoft Admin Center to automatically configure the “Who can bypass the lobby?” option for each reservation. To access this setting, go to Environment > MSFT Teams Integration
and select “Use organization's default Teams lobby bypass policy.”