How can I suppress Service Notification emails?
Learn of the different ways that you can suppress your Service Notification emails.
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Service Notification emails are sent when you are configured to a Notification List and the service is added to a reservation or a series of recurring reservations.
There are configurable options to reduce these service notifications. Some settings can be applied to all users, while others can be customized for each individual user.
Please note: These settings only apply to service notification lists and do not affect standard calendar invite/update emails.
Service Notification Suppression - Global Settings
The following setting is one that only Account Admins have the ability to configure. It is recommended that if some users want to receive service notifications out further than 14 days for single reservations and 7 days for recurring reservations, you set it to the highest desired amount.
For example, if your users want these notifications all the way up to 30 days, then put 30
in the two text fields. Any users wanting less than 30 days can configure their personal preferences to be any number of days less than 30.

Global Settings Explained
Suppress All Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress all service notifications for both single and recurring reservations.
Suppress Service Update Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress service notifications for single and recurring reservations only after they have been updated.
Suppress All Recurring Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will only suppress recurring reservation service notifications. Single-occurrence notifications will remain the same.
Suppress Update Recurring Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress notifications when a service is updated for a reservation that is part of a recurring reservation series. Notifications for single reservations and the creation or deletion of recurring reservations with services will still be sent.
Suppress notifications for single occurrence meetings more than a set number of days in the future
- If a single reservation is scheduled beyond the set number of days (the default is 14 days), no service notifications will be sent.
Example: If today is May 1st, and you set a single occurring reservation for May 16th or any date further into the future, the service notifications will be suppressed.
Suppress notifications for recurring meeting occurrences occurring more than a set number of days in the future
- If recurring reservations are scheduled beyond the set number of days (default is 7 days), no service notifications will be sent for those reservations. Only reservations within the specified timeframe will have their service notifications sent.
Example: If today is May 1st, and you set a recurring reservation starting tomorrow (the 2nd) and it's set to repeat weekly for the next 4 weeks, only the service notification for May 2nd will be sent out. The remaining 3 reservations (on the 9th, 16th, and 23rd) will have their notifications suppressed.
Service Notification Suppression - Personal Settings
To find the personal setting for suppressing service notifications, go to Settings > Preferences > Notifications Settings

Personal Settings Explained
NOTE: The descriptions of the personal settings below assume that at the global level, there are no service notification suppression settings configured so users should be receiving all service notifications.
Suppress All Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress all service notifications for both single and recurring reservations.
Suppress Service Update Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress service notifications for single and recurring reservations only after they have been updated.
Suppress All Recurring Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress service notifications for recurring reservations only, while notifications for single-occurrence reservations will remain unaffected.
Suppress Create Recurring Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress service notifications when a recurring reservation series is created with a service. Notifications for single reservations, as well as updates or deletions of recurring reservations with services, will still be sent.
Suppress Update Recurring Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress notifications when a service is updated for a reservation that is part of a recurring reservation series. Notifications for single reservations and the creation or deletion of recurring reservations with services will still be sent.
Suppress Delete Recurring Service Notifications
- Enabling this option will suppress notifications when a service is removed for a reservation (or the reservation itself is canceled) that is part of a recurring reservation series. Notifications for single reservations and the creation or updates of recurring reservations with services will still be sent.
Suppress service notifications for single occurrence meetings more than a set number of days in the future
- If a single reservation is scheduled beyond the set number of days (the default is 14 days), no service notifications will be sent.
Example: If today is May 1st, and a single reservation is set for May 16th or later, the service notifications will be suppressed.
Suppress service notifications for recurring meeting occurrences occurring more than a set number of days in the future
- If recurring reservations are scheduled beyond the set number of days (default is 7 days), no service notifications will be sent for those reservations. Only reservations within the specified timeframe will have their service notifications sent.
Example: If today is May 1st, and a recurring reservation starts on May 2nd and repeats weekly for 4 weeks, only the service notification for May 2nd will be sent. Notifications for the reservations on May 9th, 16th, and 23rd will be suppressed.