Crestron Devices Using Room Signage
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Table of Contents
Example of a Crestron device (TSS‑770)

Crestron Setup
Enter in Admin Setup Page
- Place and hold 5 fingers on the screen for 10-15 seconds.
You will be taken to a login screen.
- You will have to factory reset the device if you don't know your login credentials. Instructions to initiate a factory reset are below.
- Login using your credentials.
- From here you can configure your device's settings i.e. Network settings, Application Selection, Virtual Toolbar, etc.
- On this screen, you will also see your device's IP Address. Make note of the IP address because it will be needed later on.
- To configure the device with Mapticain's Meeting Room Signage, click the Application Selection option.
- Select the Crestron General Web option.
- Click the Confirm Selection button
- This will restart your device.
- On your computer open a web browser and type in the IP address into the address bar. EX:
- Of note, accessing a device on the same network may be an issue for some web browsers with certain security settings enabled.
- After logging in using the same admin credentials go to Settings > Application and the device should already be set to Crestron General Web.
- If you don't see this option, view the Updating Firmware on Device section below.

- In the URL field, set your desired Maptician Signage direct login URL.
- Click Save Changes at the top of the screen.
Factory Resetting a Device
- To factory reset the device pull off the back bracket, remove the piece of cardboard (if there is one), and locate a hole towards the middle of the device. This should have a button within the hole that can be pressed with a pointed object.
- In most instances, press and hold the reset button for up to 11 device restarts to factory reset your device.
- Enter into the Admin Setup Page. Accessing this screen will require you to set a new password.
- You can also access the Admin Setup Page via your computer if the device's IP address is known by just typing in the IP address into the address bar in your web browser.
Updating Firmware on Device
This option may only work for models like the TSS-770 or newer. Older Crestron models that are end-of-life might not have an update available. If your device doesn't have an update available, please reach out to your Maptician Technical Contact.
- On your computer open a web browser and type in the IP address of the device into the address bar. EX:
- After logging in using the admin credentials configured for your device, under the Status > Device section, there should be information about your device.
- If the Firmware Version is older than
you will need to update the device's firmware. - To update the firmware, go to Settings > Auto Update.
- Configure the desired time you want your device to auto-update.
- Once your device is fully updated, you will now have the Crestron General Web option.
Maptician Setup
Configure Signage Type
When setting up your Crestron panel, you will need to set the signage type correctly. This can be done in two areas: Locations > Manage Rooms or Facility Management > Meeting Room Signage. In both instances, you will want to edit the room and go to the Room Signage section. From there you can set your signage type to Crestron