Microsoft Entra (Azure) Calendar Sync
This document will guide you through how to configure Maptician to synchronize with Microsoft Office 365 room resource calendars.
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Table of Contents
Before you Start
Before starting there are a few things you will need:
- Admin access to your Microsoft Entra ID (Azure) environment
- Account Admin access to your Maptician environment. This only applies if you are configuring the integration on your own without assistance from Maptician
Getting Started
Step 1: Create App registration

Step 2: Click the “New registration” option
This option is at the top of the window seen below.

Step 3: Name the application “Microsoft Graph API”
By default, the supported account type should already be set to “Single tenant.” You can now click the Register button at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Configure API Permissions
Click on the API permissions tab and remove the default “User.Read” permission as shown below:

Step 5: Click on “Add a permission”
For the Maptician Calendar Sync, there are 2 permissions that need to be added.

Step 6: Select Microsoft Graph

Step 7: Select “Application permissions”
Search for and add the following permissions:
- Calendars.ReadWrite
- Place.Read.All

Step 7a: Click on “Grant admin consent”

Note: The access granted here includes all calendars in the organization which is more than is required for Maptician to sync room calendars. To restrict access exclusively to room resources, you can follow the MSFT PowerShell instructions in this Microsoft guidance document: Limiting application permissions to specific Exchange Online mailboxes
Step 8: Create the Client Secret
- Select “New client secret”

Step 9: Add the Client Secret
- Description: We suggest naming it Maptician but any description can be entered.
- Expires: This should be set to the maximum of 730 days (24 months).
- Important Note: If the client secret expires, Maptician will no longer be able to sync or access any data. It is important to rotate a new secret prior to the expiration date.

Step 10: Copy the Value (Secret Value) and Secret ID
Copy the secret value and secret ID and use them to Maptician (shown in Step 13).
- Important Note: When the Secret value is added to your Maptician environment, it will not be displayed once it has been saved, and it is only available in the Entra ID interface for a short time. Please store this value in a safe place in case you need to reference it at a later time.

Step 11: Copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID
Enter those into the Microsoft Office 365 / Azure Connection settings interface as shown in Step 13.

Step 12: Configuring the Microsoft Azure Connection for Calendar Sync
- In your Maptician environment, click on the settings button (1)
- In the settings panel, click on the Environment tab (2) and then the Office 365 Integration tab (3)
- Click the green ADD button (4) to open the configuration panel

Step 13: Continuing to configure the Microsoft Azure Connection
- Name: Enter a name for the connection (no spaces are allowed in the name)
- Application/Client ID & Tenant ID: Copy and enter those as instructed in Step 11
- Secret ID & Secret Value: Copy and enter those as instructed in Step 10
- Secret Expiration: Enter the date the Secret Value expires (this is optional)
- Click the “Set” button to save the settings

Step 14: Confirm the new connection is now working
- If the connection is successful, you will be presented with a “Confirmed” dialog box. Click OK to close the message
- If the connection check fails, you will be presented with an error dialog. If this occurs, confirm you have entered the correct information

Step 15: Enable the External Calendar Sync
In your Maptician Settings go to Environment > External Calendar Sync

- Enabled External Calendar Sync: Enabling this is required to turn on the calendar sync.
- Sync All Calendars: The following button performs a full sync of all Microsoft Office 365 resource calendars currently linked to Maptician. The sync process may take a few minutes and can be retried every 10 minutes. Please note that while recurring events from Microsoft will sync to Maptician during this process, recurring events from Maptician will not sync to Office 365. This limitation only applies to the full sync process and not the ongoing sync.
- Enable User Calendar Delegation: By default, Maptician handles reservations directly on the resource calendar, syncing them with Microsoft without accessing individual user calendars. However, when a user is the organizer of a reservation (typically created in Outlook), Maptician cannot update or cancel the event on the Microsoft calendar. Enabling this option allows Maptician to interact directly with user calendars in cases where the user is the organizer, ensuring updates and cancellations sync correctly. Maptician will only access calendar events related to Maptician-managed reservations and will not interact with other calendar entries.
User Calendar Strict Mode: If disabled (unchecked), the calendar sync process will still attempt to retrieve reservation data from an organizing user's calendar for Maptician-synced reservations. This ensures that the title and other fields are accurately reflected in Maptician. If this setting is enabled (checked), Maptician will not query a user's calendar under any circumstances. This means that certain fields may not be synced into Maptician or may be synced with placeholder values instead.
- NOTE: If “Enable User Calendar Delegation” and “User Calendar Strict Mode” are both enabled/checked, Maptician will continue to query the user's calendar so it's important if you determine you don't want Maptician to be accessing your user's calendars to have the following settings configured:

- Create User Calendar Reservations: If this option is enabled, you can choose to create new reservations using the user's calendar instead of the resource calendar. This makes it easier for users to modify events in Outlook, view confirmation statuses, and change rooms or locations without needing to create a new event (since Outlook doesn't allow removing organizers). However, if a user is set as the organizer in Office 365, the reservation owner in Maptician cannot be changed. This feature is helpful if users don't have delegate authority over the resource calendar and need more control over their reservations in Outlook.
After saving your changes, you click the “CHECK CONNECTION” button to confirm your connection is still valid.

Step 16: Configure Maptician Rooms for External Calendar Sync
- In your Maptician environment, go to Locations > Manage Rooms
- Locate the Room you want to configure and click on the Room name (3) to open the room information panel (shown on the next page)

Enter the following information:
- Type of Calendar to Sync: Office 365
- Microsoft Connection to Use: Select the name you entered in Step 13
- External Calendar: Enter your external calendar address for the room
- Check the “External Calendar Sync is Active” box and then click SAVE CHANGES. Repeat the same steps for any additional rooms that need to be configured

- If everything has been configured correctly, the Sync Status should change from “Pending” to “Active”. The status can sometimes take up to 10 minutes to change. This is the final step in the process. The configuration is now complete!